10 September 2006

Bill Clinton's blog

As I turn 60, I pause for a rare moment of reflection. For years I was the youngest person in the pack in whatever I was doing - I was the youngest person to be elected governor at 32 and one of the youngest persons to be elected president.
Now I am the oldest person in the group to be doing whatever I am doing- going out dancing every evening, partying with the college kids and generally maintaining a healthy social life. Thats the circle of life, as the Indian sages have written in the Kamasutra.

I have finished two terms as a president at an age when most people start on a political career, and I dont know what to do next. I would like to work for the people at the grass-roots level like Jimmy Carter. Now there's a guy I admire and identify with. Remember Jimmy Carter's interview with Playboy in which he admitted to harbouring feelings of lust and all that good stuff. Thats me entirely.

And unlike Jimmy I never lost touch with the people while I was in office. I was never happier than being among the people and pressing a bit of flesh. I am sure history will remember me for all the flesh pressing I did while in the White house.
Remember Jimmy's malaise speech which put people off, there was no malaise for me when in office, no sir. I was always on top of things and my vigour when on top was legendary. No surprises that Viagra was invented and become a pharmaceutical legend during my presidency. I was the inspiration behind the discovery and popularity of that drug. No questions about that.

I have to post this blog quickly and run now, or I'll be late for the Broadway show.Belinda hates to be kept waiting.

So my last thoughts- I hope to live like this even in my eightees. I want to be the inspiration for you guys with flagging libidos. Come on guys gird your loins and go get them! Remember, life is your oyster. Now oysters, those I eat in plenty. They are good for you, if you know what I mean. Got to run now. Bye.

03 September 2006

If you ping people they will pong you back.

Top 10 list for the neophyte blogger:

  1. Blogs about your daily life are utterly boring for 99.99% of humanity. That still leaves 66 million people some of whom may identify themselves with your situation. Go ahead indulge youself.

  2. Don't google yourself several times a day unless you have done something extraordinary in-between which you expect the Google-bot to have taken notice of.

  3. Don't expect to get instant attention when you join some web-forum. The bigger the forum the less the chances of your being noticed.

  4. Surf the net for information, not people's opinions, like this list for instance. Most gurus are no smarter than you are.

  5. A page once put on the net will live forever somehwhere. Remember that before you hit the Publish key.

  6. I have run out of useful things to say so I will stop. Learn to stop yourself from writing when you have run out of ideas. Any top 10 list would improve if truncated at top 5.

01 September 2006

Shakespeare's blog

I am glad you chanced upon my Web-site. I am a writer who has

Thus far, with rough and all-unable pen,
Our bending author hath pursued the story,
In little room confining mighty men,
Mangling by starts the full course of their glory.

I want to reach the whole world through my writings as I write about the basic human condition which is beyond boundaries. And I have great hopes from the internet,
invented by my fellow countryman Tim Berners-Lee in Geneva and made freely available to mankind. This Berners-Lee is a very noble soul indeed

This star of England: Fortune made his sword;
By which the world's best garden be achieved,
Thou Fortune's champion that dost never fight

As for those who followed ,

At seventeen years many their fortunes seek;
But at two-score it is too late a week

There are some who think the internet is only a
means for making a fortune. Now don't get me wrong, everyone needs to make a living. My wife Anne,

A woman, that is like a German clock,
Still a-repairing, ever out of frame,
And never going aright,

nags me constantly to try to earn more from my writings, to her I have often said ,

he that wants money,
is without three good friends

but all she would ask me in return is

Tell me, and dally not, where is the money?

The competetion for attention on the internet is fierce, as all

have this hour a constant will to publish

and sometime I wonder if I will ever get noticed by the search engines, the modern day oracles which control what people can find, and I feel trapped

Here's a fish hangs in the net like a poor man's right in the law. 'Twill hardly come out.

but I counsel myself to be patient.
Only time will tell.