03 September 2006

If you ping people they will pong you back.

Top 10 list for the neophyte blogger:

  1. Blogs about your daily life are utterly boring for 99.99% of humanity. That still leaves 66 million people some of whom may identify themselves with your situation. Go ahead indulge youself.

  2. Don't google yourself several times a day unless you have done something extraordinary in-between which you expect the Google-bot to have taken notice of.

  3. Don't expect to get instant attention when you join some web-forum. The bigger the forum the less the chances of your being noticed.

  4. Surf the net for information, not people's opinions, like this list for instance. Most gurus are no smarter than you are.

  5. A page once put on the net will live forever somehwhere. Remember that before you hit the Publish key.

  6. I have run out of useful things to say so I will stop. Learn to stop yourself from writing when you have run out of ideas. Any top 10 list would improve if truncated at top 5.

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